120 products found
Creeping golden green branches which turn rosy in the fall.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
An attractive groundcover with rich green foliage and bright yellow flowers in early summer.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
A drought-tolerant groundcover with small, succulent blue leaves reminiscent of the needles of a blue spruce conifer.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
A clumping, grass-like perennial with dark leaves. Showy flower spikes of purple arrive in late summer.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
Green and white-striped grass-like leaves make a colorful border or highligh group planting.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
Japanese Spurge is a shrubby, evergreen groundcover which grows 8-12 inches high and spreads via rhizomes to form a dense carpet of rich, dark green foliage.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
Tough and durable low-growing mat becomes covered with abundant, tiny purple flowers in early spring.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
This vigorous groundcover creates a dense mat of bright chartreuse foliage. Plant in full sun for best results.
Photos courtesy PlantMaster.
Grows best in well-drained soils anywhere from full sun to partial shade. Pale lavender to white flowers arrive in late summer, staying somewhat hidden among its leaves.
Photos courtesy Gertens Nursery.
Baltic Ivy features attractive, dark green, lush foliage, which makes it an excellent choice for stabilizing slopes and other erosion problems.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
Dense, woody-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen to semi-evergreen available in a variety of forms. It may appear as groundcover, mounding, or climbing.
May be locally invasive. Please consult with Missouri Invasive Plant Council or your municipal ordinances.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.
Bronzy-brown evergreen foliage is the perfect contrast for short spikes of blue flowers in the spring.
Photos courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden.